
时间:2024-01-19 作者:婉约派




1、Isn't it a happy thing if you review what you have learned on time?10.学而时习之,不亦乐乎?

2、The bird to fly first wings, who seek to improve themselves to reading。 -- Li Kuchan鸟欲高飞先振翅,人求上进先读书。——李苦禅

3、Books must be perfected, and we must see justice. - Xue Xuan

4、Without specialization, there is no gain. -- liang qichao ”reading the monthly course“

5、Life being very short, and the quiet hour of it few; we ought to waste none of them in reading valueless books.-John Ruskin1.人生十分短促,宁静的时间又不多;我们不应该浪费宝贵的时间去读毫无价值的书。 -约翰·拉斯金

6、The steamed stuffed bun with meat, not on the skin; people have the knowledge, not on the mouth。


8、善良的人,即使在追求中迷失了方向,终究会发现有正道。 ——《浮士德》

9、Books, is the common spiritual wealth of mankind, is the ladder of human progress。

10、Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body. - Thomas Edison

11、books are treasure banks storing wisdom passed down from generation to generation。

12、On the first step, if the effort, but one step higher than one step. Not after pondering, the gem will not shine.

13、在开端起始时善用时 人生大全机,再没有比这种智慧更大的了。

14、Others think not clever child, the reason is that the child itself to think themselves stupid.

15、All books are divisible into two classes: the books of the hour, and the books of all time.一切书籍都可以分为二类:即:一时之书与永久之书。

16、Reading without reflecting is like eating without digesting. -Edmund Burke

17、The night, is the man; energy-saving, white square regret later reading。

18、如果你真的想要什么,那就让他走,等他回来找你,你就永远拥有他。 ——《哑巴屋》

19、What one describes in the books is one’s thought in his mind. The personality of a book is that of the author.书迹即心迹,书品即人品。

20、The more you read,the more healthy and brave your spirit will be.

21、e to an end, but rather fear that it shall never have a beginning. -- J.H. Neas Addison

22、Classic A book which people praise and don’t read. “经典之作”是人人皆称赞却不愿去读的`书。

23、Good books are the wealth of the great heart.好书是伟大心灵的富贵血脉.

24、Hold what you really know and tell what you do not know this will lead to knowledge. -Confucius6.

25、Reading, to most people, means an as hamed way of killing time disguised under a dignified name.

26、man dies still if he has done nothing, as one who has done much.既然无所事事亦难逃一死,何不奋斗终生。

27、任何人都可能犯错。你对一件事想得越多,就越容易犯错误。 ——《好兵水客历险记》

28、Reading ten thousand books is like traveling ten thousand miles.读万卷书,行万里路。

29、Little joy can equal that of a surprisingending when you read stories.


31、挂头只是为了让心升起。如果你有一颗不屈的灵魂,你的脚下就会有一块坚实的土地。 - “旅行”

32、O, it is excellent to have a giants strength; but it is tyrannous to use it like a giant. (Measure for Measure 2.1)

33、为了安定心灵,一个人每天都做两件他不喜欢的事。 ——《月亮与六便士》


35、Books are treasure banks storing wisdom passed down from generation to generation.书籍是贮存人类代代相传的智慧的宝库。


37、a man dies still if he has done nothing, as one who has done much。

38、What are the requirements for reading? Will be the common sense。 -- Zhang Weiping读书何所求?将以通事理。——张维屏

39、Much learning shows how little mortals know.博学而后始知人类所知有限。

40、Eat to keep your stomach, read more and keep your chin up. - chuang tzu

41、traveling thousands of miles is better than reading thousands of books. -chinese proverb

42、life being very short, and the quiet hour of it few; we ought to waste none of them in reading valueless books.-john ruskin

43、Too great an eagerneto discharge on obligation is a species of ingratitude.

44、After you have read more than ten thousand volumes, you will find it easy to write as if God were there helping you.读书破万卷,下笔如有神。

45、Work hard at reading and writing. - Cheng Duan ceremony

46、The book to use the time to hate less, things are not through the hard.书到用时方恨少。

47、Reading your God solution, nothing to keep them。 -- Xu Hongjun读书贵神解,无事守章句。——徐洪钧

48、Reading is to build up your mind with the help of other people's idea.读书是在别人思想的帮助下,建立自己的思想。

49、From your parents you lean love and laughter and how to put one foot before the other.But when books are opened you discover that you have wings.

50、Reading makes up the deficiency of nature, and experience makes up the deficiency of reading. -- -- bacon

51、What one describes in the books is ones thought in his mind. The personality of a book is that of the author.

52、Do not tell me the books you have read,let me glean it from your conversation .Do not tell me of the people you associate with,let me observe it by your manners.

53、Reading is to wisdom as gymnastics is to the body. - Thomas Edison

54、Learning is like rowing upstream, not to advance is to drop back. -Chinese Proverb5.学如逆水行舟,不进则退。 -中国谚语

55、Coping with problems in our real life is the end, and reading is only one of the means to reach the end.处理现实生活是目的,读书只是达到这个目的手段之一。

56、To read is to be lost. - zhang zhidong

57、No man can eat twelve days, but a book is a day. - lu you

58、Reading make a full man, conference a ready man, and writing an exact man.阅读使人充实,交谈使人机智,写作使人精确。

59、The intense love, the reading of the life! -- SAN MAO

60、When you are old, you forget what you read. -- fan chengda, ”click on the bow“

61、Learning without thinking leads to confusion; thinking without studying results in tardiness.学而不思则罔,思而不学则殆。

62、Learn in the pain, art in the ground to practice. Not afraid of shallow knowledge, short ambition.

63、Open book is beneficial. “-- wang ****'s” talking about the water“

64、Sweat and harvest is a faithful partner, study and knowledge is the most beautiful couple.

65、美丽无望,是最干净美丽的。 ——《马格是一座城》

66、Good reading, read without thorough understanding。 -- Tao Yuanming好读书,不求甚解。——陶渊明

67、Every day, not afraid of thousands of miles; always learn, not afraid of ten million volumes. Practice good, do not have to stay.

68、The man who does not read good books has no advantage over the man who cant read them.

69、Cherish the source of nature, totally make a living a life green

70、Ambitious be nowhere to acquire knowledge, work with quiet hard application. One hundred arts, as an art.

71、It is necessary to know the editor, not to find the ink. -- zhu xi, one of the poems of zhu wengong

72、Reading makes the heart bright. -- voltaire

73、You can learn from everyone.三人行必有我师。

74、The more books you read, the more ignorant you become. - George Bernard shaw

75、Read a book. Read for pleasure. -- maugham

76、, is an ideal source of strength, wisdom, the cradle of charge standard, Zhanji sword

77、There were three thousand words in front of him, and no dust in his chest. -- yu qian, the book of reading

